Pyjama Day
Friday 13 November Junior Pupils are invited to where their pyjamas to school in support of Children in Need. To donate visit: justgivingpyjamaday
For a full list of all upcoming events and key dates at St Gabriel's please go to our Calendar page.
Friday 13 November Junior Pupils are invited to where their pyjamas to school in support of Children in Need. To donate visit: justgivingpyjamaday
Open to all Junior and Senior Pupils Make and decorate a Christmas cake and send a photograph to Mrs Chicken achicken@stgabriels.co.uk by Monday 7th December. There will be prizes!!!
To find out more about our entrance examinations contact: admissions@stgabriels.co.uk
We are delighted to be participating in Wear Red Day on Friday 16 October. Show Racism The Red Card began in 1996 when Shaka Hislop, then goalkeeper for Newcastle United, was racially abused by a group of young people. On realising who he was, one of the group asked him for his autograph. Shak...
Pupils and staff will Go Green for Macmillan Cancer on Friday 25 September. Students are being asked to wear green if they can, as this is the colour Macmillan uses in its branding. There will be no cash collection for home clothes day. Instead, parents, staff and older students may donat...
We are looking forward to welcoming parents to St Gabriel's, who are interested in Reception 2021.
Sports Day is a little different this year, Mrs Brazendale has set up a remotely contested House competition. Open to all pupils and staff, the event will run over the week 19 - 26 June. Pupils are asked to complete 6 activities from 5 sections, at home, record their re...
St Gabriel's School annual Christmas Carol Services at St Nicolas' Church, Newbury at 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Family and Friends are welcome.
St Gabriel's are hosting an annual fun run for Years 5 - Year 13 on 11 December 2019. Join us on our festive jog around our Capability Brown beautiful grounds.
3 and 4 March 2020 Save the date! Senior School 2020 production of the Addams Family at Arlington Arts, Newbury. For tickets please visit Arlington Arts
The Bag 2 School scheme is a way of turning your unwanted clothing into funds for the PTA whilst supporting our desire to improving recycling within our school community. All clothing collected by Bag 2 School is sold to importers and wholesalers in many countries...
Sunday 24 November 10.30-3pm