Registration Forms
When you are ready to move forward with applying for a place at St Gabriel's, please submit our registration form, which will place your child on our lists for entry to the relevant area of the school. Applications are considered in accordance with our Admissions Policy and, therefore, early registration is advisable. Please note that registration does not commit you to the school, nor does it guarantee a place.
Nursery Registration Fee: £75.00
Reception - Year 2 Registration Fee: £75.00
Year 3 - Year 13 Registration Fee: £100.00
All applications must be accompanied by a non-refundable registration fee, which covers the associated costs of the application and assessments/entrance examinations (if applicable), taster days and settling in sessions. The registration fee may be paid by debit card over the telephone or bank transfer, using your child's name as your reference.
For children applying to the Nursery, who would also like to secure a place in the Reception class of the Junior School, an additional £250.00 non-refundable registration fee is payable. This second registration fee will guarantee your child's place in Reception and will be credited back to you against your child’s first term’s fees in the Reception class.
Account Name
St Gabriel's School Foundation
Sort Code (Nat West, Newbury)
Bank Account No