St Gabriel's Harvest Thanksgiving 2024
Before half-term, the whole school gathered for our annual Harvest Thanksgiving, a special occasion to reflect, give thanks, and share with those in need.
For a full list of all upcoming events and key dates at St Gabriel's please go to our Calendar page.
Before half-term, the whole school gathered for our annual Harvest Thanksgiving, a special occasion to reflect, give thanks, and share with those in need.
St Gabriel's Art Department cordially invites you to this exhibition showcasing an exciting array of work from our Art, Photography, Textiles and Graphics students. Thursday 16 June | 4.30pm - 6.45pm
To make a donation click here https://bit.ly/3D4VqqC
Senior School & Sixth Form are invited to dress up in a rainbow of colours and donate to Stonewall. Donate Now
This year, Mrs Borzoni, Librarian, has launched a Reading Bingo Summer Challenge, currently running in the Senior School, pupils and staff are encouraged to pick up a book by turning summer reading into a game of bingo! "I wanted to come up with a challenge th...
Purple for Polio Day - Friday 26 March To help raise funds to eradicate polio from the world. The local Rotary Club kindly donated some purple crocus corms to St Gabriel's which were planted in the lawn of the Sixth Form Centre. We are hoping th...
Have fun and send your photograph to Mrs Chicken (achicken@stgabriels.co.uk) by Friday 26th February.
To support local families in need we are taking inspiration from the Sir Captain Tom 100 campaign. So we’re challenging our community to help us donate (at least) 100 items per year group. The recommendation is 4 Items per pupil to be bought into school o...
Challenge - record an audio clip of yourself describing a positive moment in the day. As an example, listen to Nigel Slater discussing his little happy moment: BBC Radio 4 - Today, Nigel Slater : The joy of crumpets Email it to Mrs Wellard-Hughes by 28th March...
A songologue is a solo performance in which actors take a song and speak the lyrics as a monologue.
We are delighted to launch the Tunnock's Teacake Challenge at St Gabriel's. The Task Present a plate with only a tea cake, to a restaurant standard with decoration and the presentation techniques you have learnt in Food Technology lessons, on the theme 'Teacake Travels Around...
Following the success of the colour-themed days for Macmillan and Show Racism the Red Card, we will be holding a yellow-themed day for YoungMinds on Monday 23 November. Senior School students can wear home clothes with an emphasis on yellow on the day. As the name suggests, this charity provide...