Teacake Travels Competition
We are delighted to launch the Tunnock's Teacake Challenge at St Gabriel's.
The Task
Present a plate with only a tea cake, to a restaurant standard with decoration and the presentation techniques you have learnt in Food Technology lessons, on the theme 'Teacake Travels Around the World'. Your idea, using ethically sourced ingredients, should reflect tastes, traditions, sights and/or smells of your chosen country or culture.
It's a fun (and delicious!) way to get creative during lockdown.
3 Categories
- Under 14
- Over 14
- Most novel
Entries (good quality photo of your dish and statement to explain how it meets the brief) to be emailed to Mrs Zogaj by 31 March. Mrs Zogaj and a mystery judge will be selecting the St Gabriel's entries that will go forward to the National Competition.
Suggested recipes for garnishes from Mrs Zogaj, along with the competition instructions can be downloaded below. A food styling guide will be shared with pupils by email.