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St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s

Admissions Journey

Start your journey with us.  Select the area of the school you are considering for your child and follow these easy steps to joining our school community.
  • Nursery
  • Junior
  • Senior
  • Sixth Form

Visiting Us & Open Events

There is no better way to explore our Nursery and discover all that it has to offer your child than to join us at one of our termly Open Mornings or arrange an individual evening tour (tours are offered between 6.30pm – 7.30pm). Our friendly and enthusiastic Nursery team look forward to sharing with you all that goes on in the Nursery and to answering any questions that you might have about daily life in the Baby, Toddler and Pre-School Rooms.


Children join our Nursery from the age of 6 months.  There are no formal assessments.

After visiting the Nursery, to progress your child's application, we recommend completing our online registration form as soon as possible.  Demand is high for Nursery places, and it is not unusual for us to have waiting lists in place across all rooms.

Kindly note, in registering your child you are not guaranteed a place in the Nursery. 

Children who are registered for both Nursery and the Junior School will be given priority when allocating our Reception places.



Offer Of A Place

Places in the Nursery are allocated approximately three months before a child's entry date, in accordance with our Admissions Policy. At this point, a formal offer of a place is made. If a place is not available for the days you require, we will contact you to discuss the earliest possible start date for your child. Parents confirm acceptance by completing the relevant forms and paying a deposit.

Getting Your Child Ready For Nursery

We understand that the transition between home and Nursery can be a difficult time for a child as well as for their parents; we will do everything we can to make this adjustment as smooth and easy as possible. The week before your child is due to start in the Nursery, they will be invited to a number of settling in sessions. We generally offer two to three sessions, but this is flexible depending on the individual needs of each child. The settling in sessions will help your child to gradually become used to their key worker and the staff within their room. Our Room Leaders will support you through the process, offering advice and answering any questions you may have.

Any Questions

The answers to some of the most frequently asked Nursery questions may be found here.

Get In Touch

The Admissions Team are always here to help. Should you need any additional information on the Nursery or Nursery Admissions, please call us on 01635 555680 or email

Visit Us & Open Events

The Junior School is always a hive of activity and the best way to get a feel for the dynamic teaching and learning that takes place on a daily basis is to visit us at one of our open events or arrange an individual tour, which can be tailored towards your child’s particular interests. During your visit, you will meet our Junior School staff; tour our facilities and beautiful grounds, and we can answer any questions you have about joining us.


To progress your application for a place in the Junior School, you will need to complete our registration form and pay the registration fee. We would recommend you register your child at least a year before their intended entry date, as the date of registration will be taken into consideration should we be oversubscribed.  Kindly note, in registering your child you are not guaranteed a place in the Junior School. 

If your child has an educational or relevant health report, we ask that you submit this with your child's registration so that any necessary adjustments can be put in place on their Junior Assessment and Taster Day.

Getting To Know You

An important part of the admissions process is getting to know your child. To do this, we request information from your child’s current school which will give us an overview of their academic ability, attitude to work, behaviour, hobbies and interests.  Our taster days are an opportunity for us to get to know your child a little better in the more relaxed classroom environment.

Assessment & Taster Day

The Taster Day is as much for your child to experience the Junior School and meet their new classmates as it is for us to assess whether we are a suitable fit and able to offer your child a happy school life. Children joining the school at the start of Reception are not formally assessed but are invited to a series of transition events during the Spring and Summer Terms.

Pupils joining Year 1 and Year 2 spend the day with their year group, where they will be asked to complete age-appropriate tasks in the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of the classroom.

Children joining the Junior School in Year 3 to Year 6 are more formally assessed in English and Mathematics by our Individual Needs Department before joining their year group in lessons and activities to experience a typical school day. Pupils joining Year 6 will also be assessed on their ability to pass the entrance examinations for the Senior School. Children must be registered before they can be assessed.

Place Offered

A place is offered, in writing, within a week of a successful Junior Assessment and Taster Day. Parents are asked to confirm their acceptance by completing the relevant forms and paying a £500.00 returnable deposit. Children who are registered for Reception are offered places in November of the year before entry.

Getting Ready for the Junior School

Once you have accepted a place for your child, in the term before entry, you will receive our new pupil information pack which should answer all your questions around your child joining the Junior School, including timings for the school day, uniform requirements, school transport routes, term dates and more general information on the Junior School.

To encourage a smooth transition between schools, children joining the Junior School at the start of the academic year will be invited to an Induction Day at the end of the Summer Term. Children joining the Junior School during the academic year are welcome to have a further taster day once their place has been accepted.

Any Questions?

The answers to some of the most frequently asked Junior School Questions may be found here.

Get In Touch

The Admissions Team are always here to help. Should you need any additional information on the Junior School or the admissions journey, please call us on 01635 555680 or email

Visit Us & Open Events

To experience first-hand the wonderful sense of academic balance and community our Senior School and Sixth Form offer, join us at one of our termly Open Mornings or arrange an individual visit. During your visit, you will meet our Senior School staff and pupils; tour our facilities and Capability Brown landscaped grounds, and we can answer any questions you have about joining us. We are immensely proud of our school and cannot wait to share it with you.

Year 5 & Year 7 Senior School Taster Days

We invite current Year 5 and Year 7 children, who are considering the Senior School, to a taster day in the Summer Term. This is an opportunity for them to explore the Senior School; take part in a variety of Senior School lessons; enjoy the delicious food produced by our catering team, and get to know the other children who will be joining their year groups. For both Year 5 and Year 7, it is a fun day that offers an insight into Senior School life. Children joining the Senior School outside the main Year 7 and Year 9 entry points are welcome to have a taster day before applying for a place.


To progress your application for a place at the school, you will need to complete our registration form and pay the registration fee. We would recommend you register your child at least a year before their intended entry date, as the date of registration will be taken into consideration should we be oversubscribed.  Kindly note, in registering your child you are not guaranteed a place in the Senior School. 

If your child has an educational or relevant health report, we ask that you submit this with your child's registration so that any necessary adjustments can be put in place for the entrance examination morning.

Getting To Know You

An important part of the admissions process is getting to know your child. To do this, we request information from your child’s current school which will give us an overview of their academic ability, attitude to work, behaviour, hobbies and interests. Our taster days and Candidates' Day are opportunities for us to get to know your child in a more relaxed environment before the more formal entrance examinations and admissions interview.

Candidates' Day (Year 7 Entry)

All children registered for Year 7 are invited to Candidates’ Day in the first half of the Autumn Term of the year before entry. This is another opportunity to experience Senior School community life before sitting our entrance examinations immediately following the Autumn half term.

Entrance Examinations & Admissions Interview

Our Senior School entrance examination day is held immediately following the Autumn half term of the year before entry. For Year 7 entry written papers are sat in English, Mathematics and Verbal Reasoning. For Year 9 entry written papers are taken in English, Mathematics and Science. An admissions interview on Teams with a member of the Senior Leadership Team also forms part of the admissions process.

Place Offered

Places in the Senior School are offered within 10 working days of a successful outcome in the entrance examinations and a satisfactory progress report from the Head of their current school. Parents confirm acceptance by completing the relevant forms and paying a £500.00 returnable deposit.

Scholarships & Bursaries

We recognise and celebrate achievement through our scholarship programme, offering Academic, Art, Performing Arts (Dance, Drama & Music) and Sports Scholarships to pupils entering the Senior School in Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12. Scholarship assessments and auditions take place following the entrance examinations.

We welcome applications for our Montagu Awards, means-tested bursaries, which are available to the parents or guardians of children entering the Senior School and Sixth Form. Montagu Award applications must be submitted by the end of October of the year before entry.

Getting Ready For Senior School

In the term before entry, you will receive our new pupil information pack which will answer your questions around your child joining the Senior School, including timings for the school day, uniform requirements, school transport routes, term dates and more general information on the Senior School.

To encourage a smooth transition between schools, children joining the Senior School in September will be invited to an Induction Day at the end of the Summer Term.

Children joining Year 7 are invited to a barbecue on the last Sunday of the summer holidays.

Children joining the Senior School during the academic year are welcome to have a further taster day once they have accepted their place.

Get In Touch

The Admissions Team are always here to help. Should you need any additional information on the Senior School or the admissions journey, please call us on 01635 555680 or email

Visit Us & Open Events

To experience first-hand the wonderful sense of academic balance and community our Senior School and Sixth Form offer, join us at one of our termly Open Mornings or arrange an individual visit. During your visit, you will meet our Senior School staff and pupils; tour our facilities and Capability Brown landscaped grounds, and we can answer any questions you have about joining us. We are immensely proud of our school and cannot wait to share it with you.


We welcome students from our own Senior School alongside students joining from other schools.  Sixth Form applications should be received before the end of October of the year before proposed entry (Autumn Term of Year 11). Please note that registration does not commit you to the school, nor does it guarantee a place.

Taster Days

Sixth Form taster days are arranged on an individual basis. We will endeavour to incorporate lessons in the subjects you are looking at studying at A Level as well as giving you a flavour of Sixth Form life and The Balance, our programme for personal and professional development and enrichment opportunities.

To arrange a Sixth Form Taster Day, contact the Admissions Team on 01635 555680 or email

Getting To Know You

We look forward to meeting you and your parents when you tour the school and on your tasterday.

Before arranging an admissions interview, we will request your predicted GCSE grades and most recent report from your current school. This will give us a better understanding of your academic ability, attitude to work and interests.

Admissions Interview

In November, all students who have applied for a Sixth Form place are interviewed by the Principal and Head of Sixth Form. Possible A Level subject choices are discussed as well as degree courses and career aspirations.

Place Offered

Following the admissions interview, Sixth Form places are offered to successful candidates in the November of the year before entry. Parents confirm acceptance by completing the relevant forms and paying a £500.00 returnable deposit.

Scholarships & Bursaries

We recognise and celebrate achievement through our scholarship programme, offering Sixth Form Major & Minor Academic Scholarships, as well as Sixth Form Art, Performing Arts (Dance, Drama & Music) and Sport Scholarships. Sixth Form Academic Scholarship assessments take place in the Autumn Term; Art, Performing Arts and Sport Scholarship assessments and auditions are held in the Spring Term.

We welcome applications for our Montagu Awards, means-tested bursaries, which are available to the parents or guardians of children entering the Senior School and Sixth Form. Montagu Award applications must be submitted by the end of October of the year before entry.

Getting Ready For Sixth Form

Once you have accepted your place, you will receive our Sixth Form information pack which will answer all your questions around joining the Sixth Form, including timings for the school day, school transport routes, term dates and more general information on the Sixth Form. To encourage a smooth transition between schools, we hold two Sixth Form Induction Days at the end of the Summer Term. Students experience lessons in their chosen A Level subjects, enjoy the Sixth Form areas of the school and sample some of the Sixth Form enrichment options.

All Sixth Form students take part in a residential team building trip in the week before the start of the Autumn Term. This features an action-packed itinerary of adventure activities designed to challenge the students and build relationships between Year 12 and Year 13.

Get In Touch

The Admissions Team are always here to help. Should you need any additional information on the Sixth Form or the admissions journey, please call us on 01635 555680 or email